
The NDSU 通识教育 program is aligned with North Dakota University System (NDUS) requirements, which values seamless transfer between ND institutions. 在国防大学 通识教育 Requirements Transfer Agreement (GERTA) was established by the State Board of Higher Education to ease student transfers within the system. NDSU's 通识教育 program is focused on helping students acquire knowledge, 视角, and skills basic to a university education. The program is designed so that students will be able to adapt to and anticipate changes in their professions and in society. Students also will be able to integrate and use the knowledge and 视角 they have gained to live productive, 智力上的, 有意义的生活.


提交 course request for a 通识教育 designation to the 通识教育委员会, follow this process:

  1. Complete the self-assessment questionnaire: Is my course a good fit for general education designation?
  2. 检查 通识教育 Learning Outcomes 以及每一个的描述 通识教育类别. Consider your course focus, disciplinary home, and emphasis. After carefully reviewing the learning outcomes, select the appropriate 通识教育类别 and an additional designator (either 全球的视角 or 文化的多样性, if appropriate) for your proposal.
  3. 下载 通识教育 Course Syllabus Template and provide the required information about the course.
  4. 下载并完成 通识教育 Course Proposal Form in which you (a) identify the 通识教育 Learning Outcomes (GELOs) aligned to the category, (b) describe how the course will help students learn the knowledge or skills associated with a learning outcome (学习的机会), (c) describe the student task that will be used to generate evidence of student learning related to the learning outcome (评价方法), and (d) describe how the student task will be reviewed to determine the degree to which students have achieved the learning outcome (评估测量). An example of the table format included in this proposal form is available 在这里.
  5. Prior to submitting your material, please resolve or delete the comments in the template documents. These are intended to provide you with direction about how to complete the forms but should not be in the final submitted version.
  6. Requests for courses, existing or new, should be submitted through CourseLeaf. The syllabus should be uploaded to the 'Syllabus' link, and the proposal form should be uploaded to 'Supporting Documents'.

Examples of successful proposals that demonstrate reasonable alignment between the GELOs and the assessment approach are available 在这里.

课程重新生效 approved for 通识教育 happens approximately every five years. 看到 课程重新验证时间表. To revalidate a course, departments submit course proposals through CourseLeaf. 这个建议需要一个教学大纲. More information on the approval process is described 在这里.

委员会也检讨 学生上诉 for exceptions to 通识教育 Requirements. Submission deadlines are November 15 (fall semester) and April 15 (spring semester).

目前, the committee is collaborating with the University Assessment Committee for coordinating periodic assessment of student achievement of general education learning outcomes.

The committee does not meet over the summer.


  • GEC维护一个 常见问题 document related to course proposals and re-validation.
  • The GEC hosted a workshop on the global 视角 GELOs in September 2022 (演讲 | 记录 )
  • The GEC hosted a workshop on the cultural diversity GELOs in October 2021 (演讲 | 记录 | 资源列表)
  • The GEC hosted a workshop on 'Aligning Outcomes with Assessment' in January 2020 (演讲 | 记录)
  • 成员 of the GE committee host regular support sessions (演讲).
  • Historical information can be found on the 通识教育资料馆.


有关成员列表,请参见 常务委员会.

The 通识教育委员会 is a standing committee of the 教师参议院 with the following responsibilities:

  1. Review new general education courses to ensure and validate that the general education outcomes are being met.
  2. Complete the revalidation of courses and experiences on a periodic, five-year timeline to ensure that general education outcomes are being met. The course revalidation should be staggered to review approximately 20% of the general education courses each year.
  3. Review 通识教育 Appeal petitions.
  4. Develop and maintain a plan for assessment of 通识教育 Program-level learning outcomes.
  5. Conduct periodic assessment of students’ attainment of general education learning outcomes.
  6. Develop a university policy governing the policy and procedures for general education revalidation.
  7. Perform other appropriate duties as assigned by the 教师参议院.
  8. Selecting two representatives and one alternate for the North Dakota 通识教育 Council.